Sunday, September 25, 2011

I See... Seeking the Protection of the Temple

It was going to be the most perfect day. Nothing would go wrong. A beautiful, worthy young relief society sister and a handsome young priesthood holder glowed in the reflective light of the sealing room chandeliers. They had been married for time and all eternity. They were then whisked outside to meet the rest of wedding party waiting excitedly at the foot of the impressive, sturdy granite walls of the Salt Lake Temple. The photographer began ordering family members and treasured friends around into perfect poses capturing picture after picture, seeking to memorialize this magic moment for eons and beyond, with the symbolism of massive temple doors as a fitting backdrop. The young groom and bride and their supporters struggled to contain their joy as they smiled and laughed and hugged and kissed together in celebration.

Then it happened. Thunder and lightning suddenly filled the terrible afternoon sky and a thorough rain fell, soaking all unsuspecting revelers below. The wedding party panicked and instantly scattered, running for safety from the storm. Where would they go? They sought the protection of the temple.

We crowded around the lower window alcoves and pressed up against the huge wooden doors at the top of the massive stairs. We were able to avoid the stain of rain by hugging the cold granite walls in our best Sunday dress. After the storm past we ventured back out and enjoyed making the rest of the day's memories.

I've since thought deeply and often about the protection the temple provided me that day. I learned that rainy, happy Saturday afternoon, just like Moses did thousands of years ago (see Moses 6:63), that everything God has created, including a rainy day on sacred temple grounds, testifies of Christ. The sheer symbolism of the House of the Lord protecting us from those worldly evils that would stain our souls and keep us from our eternal families was not lost on a dad watching his son form an eternal family of his own.

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