Sunday, April 3, 2016

I See... The 161 Things I Learned at General Conference This Weekend

Below is a list of 161 things the Mormon Third Eye learned at General Conference this weekend.  I haven't included authors of these gems because, in the end, it was the spirit that moved me to record them.
  1. - Obedience is a liberating path to divine destiny.
  2. - Obedience helps us discover what we are really made of.
  3. - Obedience is not an end to itself.
  4. - Obedience is the lifeblood of faith.
  5. - As, we increase in faith we must also increase in faithfulness.
  6. - If you cannot muster faith, begin with hope.
  7. - Good will not rescue us against our will.
  8. - Good is fully aware of those who are lost.
  9. - Our Father in Heaven has the ability to restore those who are fallen.
  10. - Never underestimate the power of the other side of the veil in the temple.
  11. - The mirrors in the celestial room remind us how the ordinances there connect us with our ancestors and descendants.
  12. - We are all equal before God in the temple.
  13. - God organizes eternal families only in temple.
  14. - Temple worship brings us happiness, fulfillment and peace.
  15. - Despite the lack of righteousness in the world, we live in a sacred and holy time.
  16. - See yourself in the temple.
  17. - Priesthood holders should live the kind of life that brings purity to their wife and children.
  18. - The media needs to show more examples of righteous fathers.
  19. - Loving the mother of his children and showing it are two best things a dad can do for his children.
  20. - Spending time away at work to provide for a family is the essence of fatherhood.
  21. - When providing a correction a father should be motivated by love.
  22. - The most essential work of a father is to turn the hearts of his children to their Heavenly Father.
  23. - Fatherhood exposes us to our own weaknesses and the need to improve.
  24. - Far from being superfluous, fathers are unique and important.
  25. - We will find peace in your lives when we walk with Jesus Christ
  26. - The reach of the atonement is as individual as it is infinite.
  27. - We need to continuously partake of the fruit of the tree of life.
  28. - Never has the great and spacious building been so crowded.
  29. - In everything we do in the temple, we are pointed to Jesus Christ.
  30. - Learn listen and walk in the path of the Savior.
  31. - The road we travel through sorrow and trials is made easier when we think about Jesus.
  32. - Membership in the Lord’s kingdom is a gift of immeasurable value.
  33. - The greatest challenge of youth today is the great and spacious building that surrounds them.
  34. - Conversion comes from serving those around us.
  35. - We need to get the gospel from our heads to our hearts.
  36. - We have a knowledge of the gospel. But do we believe it?
  37. - This church is more than a good place to go on Sunday.
  38. - The gift of repentance allows us to correct our course settings.
  39. - The choices we make determine our destiny.
  40. - Remember who we are. Pause to consider the consequences.
  41. - We are the recipients of a sacred trust. Much is expected of us.
  42. - The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home.
  43. - Purity will be the protection of your marraige and family.
  44. - Our priesthood obligation is to put our families, and those that we serve, first.
  45. - We all can be saviors of strong families.
  46. - Charity defines Christ and pride defines Satan. Mercy triumphs over judgment.
  47. - Whatever problems we have, the beginning and the end of them is charity.
  48. - Those who save marriages pull out the weeds and water the flowers.
  49. - Astonish your wife by choosing to make her happy.
  50. - If it appears to take forever to build a great marriage, remember that it is for eternity.
  51. - Great marriages are built brick by brick.
  52. - If there really was a perfect woman do you think she would be interested in you?
  53. - The safe path is integrity and loyalty to covenants.
  54. - Strong marriages don't just happen because we are members of the church.
  55. - Replacing the original with something more modern in marriages brings sorrow.
  56. - In the very act of following Christ we are leading others to him.
  57. - We cannot be satisfied receiving spiritual blessings just for ourselves.
  58. - Leadership is an expression of discipleship.
  59. - We need to see young men not as they are but as they can become.
  60. - Jesus Christ sets the perfect example of qualities of both leadership and being followers.
  61. - Priesthood power can calm the fractures in the hearts of our families and overcome the spiritual, emotional and financial earthquakes in our homes.
  62. - We need to embrace our wives and their counsel.
  63. - Are we willing to follow President Monson’s example of serving others?
  64. - To increase our power in the priesthood we need to pray from the heart.
  65. - We need to live up to our privileges of the priesthood.
  66. - There are too many men who have the authority but not the power of the priesthood because their access is blocked by their sins.
  67. - The atonement of Jesus Christ can purify us.
  68. - Children are desperately v seeking parents willing to listen to them
  69. - Councils are where parents listen to each other and their children.
  70. - The irony of being good parents is that we get good at it after our children have left home.
  71. - Ordinances invite spiritual power and purpose into our lives.
  72. - Baptism is not a destination we should desire to visit over and over again.
  73. - The sacrament is an opportunity to repent sincerely and be renewed spiritually.
  74. - There is an inseparable relationship between baptism, confirmation, and the sacrament.
  75. - Ordinances are far more than rituals or symbolic ordinances.
  76. - Both the Holy Ghost and ordinances have a role in spiritual rebirth.
  77. - The Book of Mormon brings us closer to Christ than any other book.
  78. - We are all called to go to the rescue.
  79. - Bring one soul unto Christ.
  80. - We must never give up.
  81. - We must not delay going to the rescue.
  82. - What a marvelous role grandparents can play in the lives of their grandchildren.
  83. - We need to reach out to the youth who are beyond the fence.
  84. - The greatest tool in keeping youth included is other righteous youth.
  85. - Knowing someone's name can make a difference.
  86. - These youth need our time and our testimonies.
  87. - A child's spiritual DNA is perfect.
  88. - Reach out and take the Savior’s hand through the hand of our leaders.
  89. - No one goes on his way alone.
  90. - Are you standing with leaders in a darkened world to spread the light of Christ?
  91. - Righteous leaders walk the path of life with you.
  92. - The sacrament is indispensable to a spiritual foundation.
  93. - The Lord is more accepting of repentant sinners than those who feel no need to repent.
  94. The best way to grow closer to the Lord is to prepare for the sacrament.
  95. - The closer we are to God, the more we are to feel thankful and not entitled
  96. - The greater the distance between the giver and receiver the more likely the receiver is likely to feel a sense of entitlement.
  97. - We need to be humble before we walk through the valley of humility.
  98. - We need to teach our children to be self confident and selfless.
  99. - Some of the greatest sermons are taught by the singing of hymns.
  100. - The atonement is not only for those who need to repent but also for those who need to forgive.
  101. - We need to win and lose with grace.
  102. - We should not be defined by the worst thing we have ever done.
  103. - We all have people in our lives with Saul-like lives but Paul-like potential.
  104. - An unforgiving heart harbors so much needless pain. God will compensate us for every injustice we experience.
  105. - Forgiveness is the Lord's way to escape the burdens of injustices caused by others.
  106. - The Lord will not leave us out in the cold without keys.
  107. - Go forward with faith.
  108. - Without the keys of the restoration we would be locked out of our blessings of eternal life.
  109. - We live in a world that can make us forget who we are.
  110. - You can have what you want our you can have something better
  111. - Our first response to hardship should be to remember who we are.
  112. - A correct understanding of our eternal heritage is critical to our eternal future.
  113. - We are children of a living God
  114. - We need to prepare homes and children to feel the still small voice.
  115. - The things of this world can drown out the spirit.
  116. - Pray with full purpose of heart.
  117. - Choose to have your heart softened.
  118. - The Lord is in our midst.
  119. - Heaven is cheering us on.
  120. - All things work together for good for those who love God.
  121. - The first great commandment is to love God but he loved us first.
  122. - We, are to judge righteously, not self righteously or unrighteously.
  123. - The Lord blesses those who want to improve and want to keep the commandments.
  124. - The great thing about the gospel is that we get credit for trying even if we do not achieve it.
  125. - Don't give up if you can't do everything you have learned at conference.
  126. - The members are the miracle of this church.
  127. - The reality of the resurrection overwhelms our heartbreak with hope.
  128. - We all can be part of a cloud of witnesses that the resurrection is real.
  129. - Resurrection is the ultimate cure for all our ills.
  130. - Living as spirits without our bodies is a form of captivity.
  131. - The Savior’s resurrection brought total victory over death.
  132. - The temple can change our lives forever.
  133. - Everything we do in the church is to prepare us to go to the temple.
  134. - The real power of the temple is found in its ordinances.
  135. - We have an assurance that good will consecrate or trials for our gain.
  136. - Some things can only be learned by faith.
  137. - There is no warrant for a loyal opposition in the government of God.
  138. - We are not to be at ease in Zion.
  139. - The Lord does not make life easy but he does make it possible.
  140. - Opposition is central to the plan off what are to become.
  141. - Opposition is part of the plan for our mortality.
  142. - That Satan who opposed the Father's plan actually facilitated it.
  143. - From the beginning agency and opposition are central to the Father's plan for us.
  144. - The Savior satisfies the eternal demands of justice.
  145. - This moment of hardship does not define refugees but helping them will define us.
  146. - Meeting refugee families personally and not learning about them from a screen will change you forever.
  147. - Begin on your knees in prayer then find some place to help locally.
  148. - We must be careful that the news of refugees flight does not become commonplace.
  149. - The Savior knows what it is like to be a refugee; he was one.
  150. - God always welcomes us home. Our Savior invites us to remember Him as he always remembers us.
  151. - Life is not as cruel as it can sometime seem.
  152. - God knows everything we don't want anyone to know about us yet loves us anyway.
  153. - We can remember Him by serving others.
  154. - We can remember God by acknowledging the hand of the Lord in all things.
  155. - Remembering and forgetting are a part of our eternal journey.
  156. - Through the Holy Ghost we experience a multitude of miracles that never cease.
  157. - Seeking the counsel of the Holy Ghost in all things trivializes it.
  158. - Keeping our covenants will prevent us from being deceived by Holy Ghost impersonators.
  159. - The Holy Ghost respects our agency.
  160. - The Holy Ghost is not given to us to control us.
  161. - Personal revelation is essential.

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