Sunday, September 1, 2013

I See... Someone Like Me

How many of you know someone like yourself? I don’t necessarily mean someone exactly yourself- perhaps just someone kind of like you, someone who may think or act or talk or look somewhat like you?  I was convinced that I was supremely unique- especially when it comes to wrestling with my BYU addiction (you can read more about that here). I was wrong.

My wife and I joined some friends for yesterday's BYU-UVA game, which included spending time in “Cougartown” beforehand- the away version of a tailgate party. As a diehard BYU fan I was in one of the largest mansions of the Celestial Kingdom.  Blue and white everywhere, Cosmo and the cheerleaders, the BYU fight song filling the air…

In this situation, tradition dictates that I irritate my wife in public with outrageous epiphanies regarding the depth of my BYU devotion.  This time, in earshot of our friends and others, I hypothesized innocently, “Hon, wouldn’t be cool if I had brought the big BYU flag from the basement and wore it like a cape? I could be the Caped Crusader! I would put my hands on my waist, stick out my middle-aged sagging chest, and become…  Super BYUman! Then everyone would know much I love the Y! Wouldn’t that be cool!”

My wife predictably rewarded me with a snarky look, an ”oh brother!” rolling of the eyes, then a quick turn away to ignore me.  I thought my episode of intentional immaturity was successful. There could be no question that I was one of the top over-the-top infantile BYU fans; there was no one like me; I was unique.

A few minutes later, amongst the sea of dark blue loyal true and blue shirts shoveling down pulled pork and hot wings, I spied across several picnic tables another man who looked kind of like me, except for one major difference- he was doing what I had just teased my wife about- he was wearing a large blue BYU flag as a cape, and I wasn’t. 

I emotionally paused for a moment. I was stunned.  I didn’t know whether I should cry or laugh; cry because he had stolen my idea, or laugh because he looked so ridiculous wearing the flag strapped to his neck. I ended up being ultimately grateful that I had a wife who loved me enough to protect me from myself. 

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