Sunday, April 10, 2011

I See... Marriage for Losers

Marriage is for losers. That is, if you want to enjoy a long, happy marriage, you have to be committed to being a big loser. In fact, it's best if you are both losers.

First, it is important for both husband and wife to lose themselves in selfless service to each other. There is a lot of talk about young people finding themselves. In a successful marriage relationship, mates will most often find themselves lost in each other. If you're lost, then you're a loser, which is a great place and person to be if you're trying to make each other happy.

Second, the quickest and most productive method to solve any argument or disagreement arising in wedded bliss is to lose; admit that you're wrong. Quickly and passionately.and often. It is more important to get along than to be right. In a marriage, there is nothing more wrong than being right. It is more important to be in love.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent reminders, Richard. Thank you! I hope it's OK, but I'm featuring this post today in


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