Sunday, August 9, 2009

I See... Efficient Repenting

If you were actually e-ville enough to act on last week's blogpost recommending that sinners do their dirty work more efficiently, this week's instruction from the Mormon Third Eye will literally redeem you. In a masterfully orchestrated plan of salvation, which includes personal responsibility, universal grace, and opposition in all things, it stands to reason that if there is an efficient method of sinning, there must be an efficient way to repent.

Here it is.

Repentance involves choice. You have to choose to repent. You could choose conquering enmity toward our brothers and sisters, esteeming them as ourselves, and lifting them as high or higher than we are. Or you could graciously receive counsel and chastisement, forgive those who have offended you, render selfless service, and serve a mission and preach the word that can humble others. How about. getting to the temple more frequently, confessing and forsaking your sins, or being born of God.? Another great set of choices would be to love God, submit your will to His, and put Him first in your life

I just listed 14 good ways to repent. The efficient sinner-turning-saint, however, should be able to settle on one reaally outstanding act of repentance that covers them all.

Here is is.

When President Benson taught that pride was the universal sin, thankfully he accompanied that with a universal solution- Humility. He taught that choosing to be humble can include at least the 14 good works listed above (and probably more!) “Let us choose to be humble. We can do it. I know we can.”

Does truth and righteousness get any more efficient than that? I think not.

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