Sunday, April 5, 2009

I See... Mid-life Bread

It was like a switch flipped on in my head. It happened in a instant. It was pure excitement surging through my veins. What was it? I heard that it had happened to other men turning 50.Was it happening to me?Yes, it was. This was my mid-life crisis.

The realization that over half of your earth years have passed while accomplishing so little poses a challenge to any man, but can be exceptionally extreme to gospel law-abiding priesthood holders who may have never experienced the world's definition of thrills and chills. So what to I do now? My body and soul was wholly consumed with the drive to do something different, risky, thrilling, and dangerous. Something I had never done before. Do I buy a red convertible? (eeuuw- flies in my teeth!) run off with the secretary? (nope- don't have one, and besides, I'm still wrapped around my wife's little finger) Skydiving? Hang-gliding? How do I feed the need for emotional speed?

I decided to do something I had never done before. For me it was the ultimate thrill. I was going to edge. I was going to... make homemade bread from scratch!

Yes, I actually did it. Using my mother-in-law's recipe and under the tutelage of my wife for successive romantic Saturday afternoons, I mixed just the right portions of ancient ingredients at just the right time, waited for the dough to rise, and baked it in the oven at just the right temperature. The result was hot, perfect, and properly fluffy fresh bread!

It was a thrilling adventure to create something for the first time so perfect and tasty. I've made a few other loaves since then. Suddenly, I was new and productive again; the last forty-nine years didn't seem to be so much of a complete waste if it prepared me to be able to produce such marvelous bread.

This was my mid-life bread. I think I'm going to make it through my mid-life crisis without risking my life or my wife.

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